All activities are subject to change due to weather and/or participation.
Watch the bulletin boards for updates.

Image result for Happy Camper Cartoon


~1 Camp Opens (weather permitting)


~11 Mother’s Day


~18 Board of Directors Meeting 9am in the clubhouse


~24 Seasonal Meeting 10am at the pavilion

Golf Cart Blindfolded Obstacle Course 1pm- in the main entrance field, $5 per driver

Kids Bingo 4pm-6pm in the clubhouse

Penny Bingo 7pm in the clubhouse


~25 Pancake Breakfast 8am – 10am in the clubhouse

Yard sale at your own site 9am-3pm

High Bank Grand Prix Ball Race 1pm starting at the walking bridge


~26 Memorial Day


~31 Craft Day-Card Making 10am in the clubhouse, $5 per person preregister required




~14 Breakfast Potluck 9am in the clubhouse-bring a dish to pass


~15 Father’s Day


~21 Kids Fishing Tournament 9am-11am-Prizes 11am-12pm

Bunco 7pm in the clubhouse


~22 Board Meeting 9am in the clubhouse


~27 Brown Bag Bingo 7pm in the clubhouse


~28 Poker Run 12pm starting at the pavilion-$5 per hand 2 hand max






~4 July 4th

Live Band 7pm to 11pm at the pavilion


~5 Seasonal Meeting 10am at the pavilion

Cornhole Tournament 1pm pavilion area

Kids Activities 1pm Beach and Basketball areas

Bike/Golf Cart Parade 5pm starting at the office

Picnic Dinner & Games 6:30pm beach area



~6 Pancake Breakfast 8am – 10am in the clubhouse

High Bank Grand Prix Ball Race 12pm starting at the walking bridge


~12 Food Truck-Hoggs Nest BBQ 12pm-3pm Clubhouse area

Dessert Bingo 7pm Clubhouse


~18 Christmas in July-Decorate sites, Golf Carts, & Bikes

~19 Christmas in July-Decorate

Bike & Golf Cart Parade 11am starting at the office- Prize for the best golf cart and bike

Judging for the best decorated site 10pm


~20 Board of Directors Meeting 9am in the clubhouse


~26 Ice Cream Floats 2pm in the clubhouse

Bunco 7pm in the clubhouse




~9 Mexican Fiesta 6pm Beach area – Bring a dish to pass, meat will be provided


~10 Board of Directors Meeting 9am in the clubhouse


~16 Breakfast Bingo 9am in the clubhouse-bring a breakfast item for a prize, breakfast will be provided


~23 Poker Run 12pm at the pavilion-$5 per hand 2 hand max

Food Truck 12pm at the clubhouse area


Halloween Weekend:

~29 Decorate for Halloween


~30 Annual Shareholders Meeting 9am in the clubhouse

Seasonal Meeting 10am at the pavilion

Cornhole Tournament 1pm

Bike & Golf Cart Parade 4pm followed by costume contest

Trick or Treating throughout the campground-after parade

Hayrides, Cider & Donuts 6:30 pm at the clubhouse area

Haunted House Dusk-in the pavilion


~31 Pancake Breakfast 8am – 10am in the clubhouse

Scavenger Hunt 11:30 starting at the pavilion

High Bank Grand Prix Ball Race 1pm starting at the walking bridge

Live Band 7pm-11pm in the pavilion





~1 Labor Day


~6 Golf Cart Blindfolded Obstacle Course 12pm-main entrance field- $5 per driver


~13 Thanksgiving Dinner 5:30pm bring a dish to pass & own place setting-meat will be provided


~14 Board of Directors Meeting 9am in the clubhouse


~20 Poker Run 12pm starting at the pavilion $5 per hand 2 hands max


~27 Chili Cook Off 3pm in the clubhouse


~28 Board of Directors Meeting (October’s meeting) 9am in the clubhouse






~1 Camp Closed